dari ChangkatNingkeBTP
Sejak kebelakangan ini sudah hangat diperkatakan calon-calon untuk mengisi barisan kepimpinan FAM diperkatakan. Maklumlah, FAM merupakan persatuan yang besar pengaruhnya walaupun tidak secemerlang mana prestasi pasukan kebangsaan jika dibandingkan dengan sukan-sukan lain di Malaysia seperti badminton, squash, hoki dan lumba basikal yang telah bertaraf dunia.
Boleh dikatakan sebahagian besar calon untuk kerusi Timbalan Presiden dan Naib Presiden merupakan ahli-ahli politik termasuk seorang calon dari ahli parlimen bebas. Ini menunjukkan bahawa terdapat juga satu tarikan politik untuk menduduki kerusi ini yang ada kalanya boleh menjadi masalah kepada perjalanan FAM.
Pasukan bolasepak kebangsaan di semua peringkat masih ditahap rendah dengan kedudukan ke 145 dunia setakat ini. Walaupun begitu, terdapat sedikit peningkatan walaupun tidaklah sehebat mana. Kejayaan seperti memenangi pingat emas Sukan SEA dan yang terbaru menewaskan skuad Olimpik Korea 1-0 bukan kayu ukur sebenar untuk menyatakan prestasi skuad kebangsaan telah meningkat dengan baik.
Jesteru itu, siapapun yang terpilih mempunyai tanggungjawab yang amat berat untuk kembali meningkatkan prestasi pasukan kebangsaan seperti era gemilang satu ketika dahulu. Amat malang jika kayu pengukur hanyalah pada memenangi pingat emas sukan SEA atau separuh akhir Piala AFF. Sudah sampai masa FAM membuat transformasi dan revolusi drastik untuk mengubah dari tadbirurus sempurna dan konsisten hinggalah ke pembangunan akar umbi dalam usaha mencari bakat-bakat baru.
Bagi hemat saya, ahli gabungan FAM perlu memilih calon-calon yang benar-benar layak dan tidak sekadar memilih kerana gelaran, populariti serta kerana perkaitan politik. Pilihlah pemimpin yang benar-benar telah terbukti berjaya meningkatkan prestasi pasukan negeri masing-masing atau telah memberi sumbangan bermakna untuk pembangunan FAM dan ahli-ahli gabungan.
Terdapat calon-calon yang nampaknya telah dan sedang menunjukkan kewibawaan di peringkat negeri. FA Selangor dan FA Kelantan umpamanya adalah contoh terbaik bagi melihat bagaimana mengurus dan mentadbir sebuah pasukan bolasepak. Kedua-dua persatuan ini secara konsisten saban musim bukan sahaja menerajui liga dan semua pertandingan malah tidak kedengaran masalah gaji tertunggak, kelewatan pembayaran KWSP ataupun permasalahan luar padang yang negatif. Penjenamaan semula oleh Tan Sri Anuar Musa umpamanya amat menarik sekali dan inilah yang sepatutnya dicontohi oleh pasukan-pasukan lain dalam Liga Super dan Liga Perdana. Selangor juga menerusi barisan kepimpinannya seperti Dauk Mokhtar Ahmad dan Datuk Hamidin Mohd Amin jelas membuktikan dengan pengurusan yang cemerlang mampu menterjemahkan sebuah pasukan yang mantap di padang.
Contohilah pengurusan bolasepak negara-negara seperti Korea Selatan dan jepaun yang duhulunya setaraf dengan kita. Saksikanlah kejayaan mereka hari ini. Sudah sampai masanya rakyat Malaysia menyorak pasukan sendiri. Oleh itu, pilihlah pemimpin yang benar-benar boleh memantapkan lagi FAM serta mampu membawa MAlaysia ke persada antarabangsa.
Catatan Dr Dan. Seorang introvert yang punya impian besar. Ahli akademik dan penyelidik yang membawa isu #MengupayaOKU. Sembang berkaitan akademik, OKU, bola, kisah inspirasi dan tentunya Liverpool.
Selasa, Julai 27, 2010
Isnin, Julai 12, 2010
WC10 : Spain the World Champions. Why the Spaniards are better than the English?
dari ChangkatNingkeBTP
Congrats to the Spain football team as they won 1-0 against the spirited Dutch at this morning WC Final. As a Reds its truly amazing to see Torres & Pepe Reina won the World Cup. As also the ex-Reds of Alonso and Arbeloa. Sorry for Kuyt and Babbel in the Dutch contingent ... who guys had tried your best. Several Reds performed admirably in the WC2010 namely Skrtel (Slovakia), Agger (Denmark), Mascherano (Argentina -captain) and not to be forgotten the English duo of Gerrard (the captain) and Jamie Carragher.
However the Spanish are truly great. A reversed 0-1 to the Swiss as only a temporary blip. They move to won mostly 1-0 till the final. They were several reasons they're better than the English team who were considered as favorites:
1. Spain have 3 ... I repeat, THREE world class goalkeepers. Apart from Iker the Captain, they have the penalty-stopper expert in Pepe Reina of Liverpool. The third keeper? The Barcelona custodian, Valdes. England? NONE
2. In Centerback. just compare between Terry & partners (whoever they were) with Puyol and Pique of Barcelona. I rest my case.
3. Right back? The world class Ramos. His deputy? Arbeloa, the x-Reds.
4. Left back Capdevilla and Albiol. Just compae then to so called world class of A Cole.
5. The midfield dynamo of Xavi & Iniesta. With the support of Alonso & Busquets. Even Fabregas is on the sub. Add David Silva and you have a two midfield team. Even Senna was not picked this time. Need I Say more? Stevie G & Lamps? Though world class but cant play as a unit. Barry... sorry.
6. Wingers aplenty such as Navas, Pedro and even Villa who can score using both feets.
7. Striker... Villa & Torres with Llorente and Mata as back ups. Truly amazing. Just compare with Capello's Heskey?
8. Del Basque the coach. Quite but unassuming. Very experience both as player and coach of Real Madrid.
In other words, England need to reform ... need a good team ...look at Germany and Holland, they have able back-ups. and off course... over-commercialization is not a good thing to build a team.
Me? back to Football Manager.
Congrats to the Spain football team as they won 1-0 against the spirited Dutch at this morning WC Final. As a Reds its truly amazing to see Torres & Pepe Reina won the World Cup. As also the ex-Reds of Alonso and Arbeloa. Sorry for Kuyt and Babbel in the Dutch contingent ... who guys had tried your best. Several Reds performed admirably in the WC2010 namely Skrtel (Slovakia), Agger (Denmark), Mascherano (Argentina -captain) and not to be forgotten the English duo of Gerrard (the captain) and Jamie Carragher.
However the Spanish are truly great. A reversed 0-1 to the Swiss as only a temporary blip. They move to won mostly 1-0 till the final. They were several reasons they're better than the English team who were considered as favorites:
1. Spain have 3 ... I repeat, THREE world class goalkeepers. Apart from Iker the Captain, they have the penalty-stopper expert in Pepe Reina of Liverpool. The third keeper? The Barcelona custodian, Valdes. England? NONE
2. In Centerback. just compare between Terry & partners (whoever they were) with Puyol and Pique of Barcelona. I rest my case.
3. Right back? The world class Ramos. His deputy? Arbeloa, the x-Reds.
4. Left back Capdevilla and Albiol. Just compae then to so called world class of A Cole.
5. The midfield dynamo of Xavi & Iniesta. With the support of Alonso & Busquets. Even Fabregas is on the sub. Add David Silva and you have a two midfield team. Even Senna was not picked this time. Need I Say more? Stevie G & Lamps? Though world class but cant play as a unit. Barry... sorry.
6. Wingers aplenty such as Navas, Pedro and even Villa who can score using both feets.
7. Striker... Villa & Torres with Llorente and Mata as back ups. Truly amazing. Just compare with Capello's Heskey?
8. Del Basque the coach. Quite but unassuming. Very experience both as player and coach of Real Madrid.
In other words, England need to reform ... need a good team ...look at Germany and Holland, they have able back-ups. and off course... over-commercialization is not a good thing to build a team.
Me? back to Football Manager.
Jumaat, Julai 09, 2010
WC10 : England Lost? No Worry, There's A World Cup At BTP That Cost RM350 (with a complimentary photo session!).
dari ChangkatNingkeBTP
This is my first comment on the on-going World Cup. As I'm writing this stuff, WC2010 is on its final days. Tomorrow will be the 'nobody cares' 3rd place play-off between Uruguay & Germany. The day after is the final of Netherlands & Spain.
Let me focus on the all-conquering Three Lions. The even plan to stage a mammoth rally should they win the WC! Well No Worry The England's team dismal performance in the World Cup is not without reasons. Lots of them.
This is my comment published in the Malay Mail Online on July 5 2010:
1. No world class keepers.
2. Slow-response centerbacks in Terry & Ferdinand ... or Upson (almost relegated) or Carragher (getting slower) or King (injury prone) and Dawson (not playing)
3. A right back who do not know how to defend ...aka. ... Johnson
4. A left back who supposed to be the best in the world ...Ash cole?
5. A useless Gareth Barry. Only rated by the BPL overrated & over commercialized media
6. A couple who cannot work together ...aka ... Gerrard & Lampard (compare Iniesta& Xavi , Ozil& Khedira)
7. No left winger
8. Useless right winger ... aka Lennon (not from the Beatles)
9. A striker who cant score .. Heskey.
10. A very tired Wayne Rooney
11. Strikers who score goals but in the eye of Capello is worst than Heskey .... Defoe, Crouch (look at his England's strike rate) ...Darren Bent?
In other words ... England need a total revamp ... new team ... the present team is over exaggerated and think they were world class ...
But no worry. If you still want the cup, just go to a sport shop at BTP here in Malaysia. You can get the trophy for RM350 (roughly 60 pounds). Its cheap and looks real ... and comes with free photo of one of you guys.
This is my first comment on the on-going World Cup. As I'm writing this stuff, WC2010 is on its final days. Tomorrow will be the 'nobody cares' 3rd place play-off between Uruguay & Germany. The day after is the final of Netherlands & Spain.
Let me focus on the all-conquering Three Lions. The even plan to stage a mammoth rally should they win the WC! Well No Worry The England's team dismal performance in the World Cup is not without reasons. Lots of them.
This is my comment published in the Malay Mail Online on July 5 2010:
1. No world class keepers.
2. Slow-response centerbacks in Terry & Ferdinand ... or Upson (almost relegated) or Carragher (getting slower) or King (injury prone) and Dawson (not playing)
3. A right back who do not know how to defend ...aka. ... Johnson
4. A left back who supposed to be the best in the world ...Ash cole?
5. A useless Gareth Barry. Only rated by the BPL overrated & over commercialized media
6. A couple who cannot work together ...aka ... Gerrard & Lampard (compare Iniesta& Xavi , Ozil& Khedira)
7. No left winger
8. Useless right winger ... aka Lennon (not from the Beatles)
9. A striker who cant score .. Heskey.
10. A very tired Wayne Rooney
11. Strikers who score goals but in the eye of Capello is worst than Heskey .... Defoe, Crouch (look at his England's strike rate) ...Darren Bent?
In other words ... England need a total revamp ... new team ... the present team is over exaggerated and think they were world class ...
But no worry. If you still want the cup, just go to a sport shop at BTP here in Malaysia. You can get the trophy for RM350 (roughly 60 pounds). Its cheap and looks real ... and comes with free photo of one of you guys.
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